DIEGO MARADONA WANTS to return as manager of Argentina.
The 57-year-old took the country to the 2010 World Cup, but was eliminated in the quarter-finals after losing 4-0 to Germany.
Maradona, an iconic player who won the World Cup with his country as a player in 1986, managed Lionel Messi and co to 18 victories in 24 games, and has now insisted that he should be allowed another chance.
Taking to Instagram after Argentina lost 4-2 to Nigeria in an international friendly, he posted a table showing his record compared to that of current manager Jorge Sampaoli and other previous bosses.
“Who won more? Make your own conclusions. I am furious because they are throwing away our prestige, but it is not the fault of the lads,” he wrote.
“I want to return.”
Argentina led 2-0 against Nigeria after goals from Ever Banega and Sergio Aguero, but the Super Eagles came back to win, with Arsenal forward Alex Iwobi scoring twice, and Kelechi Iheanacho and Brian Idowu once apiece.
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About bloody time!!!!!!
Ah don’t go you’re great craic
The greatest sporting rogue in history
1st gilmore now Blatter!! Jumping jesus whats going on.
Excellent news !! Best I heard this year
They must’ve found some dirt on him why else would he resign
Hopefully now we can change the world cup in qatar and russia and restore some respectability to the beautiful game.
He’ll be sorely missed. A man of great integrity and with a fantastic moral compass! Now where did I put that new Rolex.
If only John Delaney would follow then it’d be a triple!
An egotistical assh*le!!! He wanted to be re elected before he went.
That’s great news , just need DOB to go now
He was above everyone, except the FBI.
It was probably part of his deal for immunity with the FBI
I believe he’s taking over at IBRC and he hopes to lend money to people from other planets.
it’s about time he sepped down
The fbi could care less about soccer
If only Enda Kenny followed him and Gilmore!
I’d say he hasn’t got time to be FIFA president anymore what, with trying to put all that stuff in the wife and kids names how could a fella be expected to do both :)
He could get plenty of advice from Drumm, Dunne an
Not him as far as I know. Word on the street is Valcke is the main target of the FBI indictment and would have been subject to arrest should he travel to Canada for an upcoming meeting. This put Blatter in a truly impossible position as he had re-appointed Valcke personally after a previous scandal around 2005-2006.
So, with Blatter now linked almost directly to corrupt payments totalling $10M and all of this bound to surface in the coming weeks and months he simply went before he was pushed. It still remains to be seen if he’ll be tied in with the current indictments though. My suspicion is he won’t, although more for lack of evidence than lack of guilt, I imagine.
*and Dinny O’Blatter….gan dabht!!
Ron why would the FBI care about who runs FIFA? If they can take him down then why offer him immunity?
Delaney next!!
What’s this got to do with hurling?
Ships going down..rats everywhere
Larry Maybe it’s part of the deal to rat on every one, tell them where all the money came from and he has to step down.
How do you even know he’s the main one the FBI are after. It’s not such a crazy thing to say
Sblatter, the sh.t hit the fan.
Great news.
But if Blatter thinks the FBI will leave him off because he’s resigned, he’s dumber than he looks.
The way the U.S. authorities have gone so big on this, they must have big evidence to hand.
I heard he’s joining FG!
A glorious day
It’ll only be glorious if his replacement is somebody of integrity and honesty and who has the game rather than money at heart.
And to win the election here will become a case of “how much do you want for your vote”. Nothing will change. Just like Blatter was the same as Joao Havelange. The oxygen on which Fifa runs is money not football.
Hope it’s not platini he voted for World Cup to go to Quator and then his son landed a big job with them
@John S “nothing will change”
I disagree. There’s an explosion in money in football though sponsorship but mainly broadcasting rights.
So much money it is entirely possible to run the game legitimately and make a lot of cash for everyone.
All the kick-backs, laundering, tax evasion and “racketeering”. Totally unnecessary! It’s just pure greed.
That dirty money can do some serious good in the world and STILL keep local FAs happy.
FIFA themselves have shown this through various projects like GOAL. A responsible hierarchy can do this.
Wow! Didn’t see that coming. The FBI always get their man!
How about DOB for FIFA president he might take Enda with him !
That’s a shame. He was just about to completely overhaul and reform FIFA…
A true master of reform…
**Twinkles wand** “You are now reformed”
Love your name. Respect bro.
Somebody must have serious dirt on him
Deffo FBI have stuff on him
The Brian Cowan of football!
Finally, hopefully the authorities go after him now.
A great day for football.
Never thought I’d see the day
One way ticket to Venezuela, I reckon.
Or Russia with Snowden.
Vlad would give him a home. No question about that.
I wonder what made him change his mind.. Have the FBI had a little chat with him perhaps?
Think he not step aside last week wouldn’t Ali be elected automatically ?
Hope the catch up with him he’s corrupt jail to good for him !
Most likely, he secured his win last week so he could have a stronger position in choosing a successor.
About time
Good.man Sepp, you finally got the hint.Good riddance.
Wow must be a big arrest on the way..
Thank god this clown is gone.. Some other news must be about to break about hopefully he will be locked up along with his mates..
About time
Get. The. F*ck. In.
Finally, this should have been sorted a long time ago.
About football time
Restructuring? Well you can start by moving world cups from Russian and Qatar. Sooner they do the more lives are saved.
Yes, the plague on football is gone. The World Cup bids for Russia and especially Qatar need to be reviewed asap. This is a great day for football.
Too right. Spain could have gotten it instead of Qatar!
He’d still wanna be prosecuted all the same, I’d be sick if he walked away Scott free
FBI won’t give a toss if he’s retired or not.
The scale of the announcements (Attorney general, head of FBI, DOJ, IRS…) and high-profile arrests, these lads appear to be making an example of FIFA.
After all the bull last week…..he goes and steps down. A joke of an organisation
John Delaneys time has finally come!!
About time.Wont be missed at all what a glorious day.
It’s about time you out of touch corrupt ar$e hole
What’s he about to be exposed about ?
There’s a $10,000,000 kick-back (for the 2010 World Cup votes) the FBI have evidence linking to the FIFA Gen Sec J Valke.
Rumours are Valke isn’t going to take the hit alone and will “sing like a canary” for the FBI just like Chuck Blazer did.
Sepp could be in for a world of hurt.
Noooo Sepp – what will FIFA and football do without you??cease to be a corrupt laughing stock- that’s what. Now let’s see what the FBI got in store for this world class chancer..
John Oliver wins!!!!
Bloody good news!
Good riddance.
The parasite leaves it’s host.
Caught ! Wonder what’s about to come out in the laundry
Horray! About bleeding time too!
The world is a better place
*Such a shame, he was so good for football :-( will it survive without him?
*denotes sarcasm
A great day for football !!!!
Blatter gone and can comment on DOB articles, great day all around
Gilmore and Blatter both resign – a great day !!
He’ll go into hiding before the fbi come knocking on his door
Blue moon tonight???
Ding dong the witch is dead!!!
Probably too busy packing a bag before the FBI arrest his ass before he can get to a country with no extradition treaty.
No harm, I’ll never forgive him for the “Hand of God” Henry! Good riddance to bad rubbish!
America, f*ck yeah, coming again to save the mother f*uckin day yeah
So basically, he was corrupt as can be and he made a deal. In fact he ran for re election just so he could have a bargaining chip.
Then you have to consider that the people who voted him in again, also knew this and they agreed to do it for the sake of the organisation.
The Charlie Haughey of international football. Goodbye and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Obviously fancies a crack at the West Ham job
He took his time anyway…
About time
Blatter told Swiss TV on Friday: “Why would I step down? That would mean I recognise that I did wrong.” Hmmmmmm.
What a Pr*ck ! After all his bullsh×t, a week later he decides the Corrupt organisation which he was in charge of for 20 years, now needs a change. These guys are as big as s(umbags as the robbin junkies on the street, only difference is, they wear a suit and get alot more money!
Jumping before he is pushed?
It’s all happening today! UNCE UNCE UNCE
Should of stepped down ages ago!
This is a stubborn man with an absolute thirst for power. This was not his decision.
Geeezzz. These FBI guys know how to get results. Now. ……. if we can just get DOB and Enda in their scopes? ?? Should I draft their resignation forms now?
At last
Let’s hope he gets nailed for all the corruption he has overseen
Next to take his hat should be Ecclestone, Formula 1 is in need of an overhaul tio
The pressure actually got to the corrupt old fart.
Miracles do happen.
Ah shite I just bought a load of shares in jiffy!
shame bill o’herlihy didnt get to see this .. would b great to hear what he thought
The Qatar World cup is starting to look a little shaky.
I’m lovin’ it.
134 comments in 25 minutes. Christ.
Jeez bet his daughter is a tad embarrassed now lol….what a gangster so he was, game is full of them but hopefully now this is the start of cutting them out, give us back our game!
Glad the man saw sense !
Once the FBI got involved it was game over. He knew it and i would say he knows what’s coming down the line. Good riddance
Yes yes yes
Money talks. Suspose it to much to ask that we see him on a charge for something
Something fishy here….
In steps John Delaney to save FIFA.
Nice to see a positive news headline for once.
Neck like a Denis OBrien, power and money dictators.
Blatter got wind that Catherine Murphy was coming after him
Figo for president!
John Delaney has the clear moral high ground on this issue. he is fervently against the lining of pockets by management and their hand picked boardroom at the expense of the sport.
What a complete farce that election was last week so! He knows the shyte has hit the fan and it won’t be long before the fbi catch up with him! Should be gone a long time ago. Bout time!
Can someone please make a video of that scene from wolf of wall street where loenardo de caprio says he’s not leaving, but attach Sepp Blatters face to Leonardo de caprio
Great news…. Mourinho to run it
Rot in hell
He’s definitely got something to hide, no other reason he’d leave
Get David Gill in there to sort that shit out !
Take a bow #gentleman
:( I’ll miss his racism most.
Anything to do with the rumour that EUFA planned to break from Fifa and hold their own tournament? A plan suggested by Denmark apparently.
A gent and a scholar… Said no one ever.
Jumped before he was shoved right off the edge by the looks of it!
The English F.A and English press will be doin Cart wheels.
On your bike
I’m sure his heart bleeds, how is he going to meet ends now. Don’t get me wrong it’s better he’s gone that if he wasn’t but it’s not any punishment for him or for FIFA as such at all, just PR exercise.
He had to go…it had gotten pretty messi
Sayonara Sepp
And I thought the YES-vote had made me happy. Good riddance ya sc¥mbag.
Why did have to get to this ?
Now maybe justice for French match of 2009
Denis o’brien stumped up the cash for sepps retirement, enda was the bag man ( hence his disappearance this last few days). Its the only thing that could have possibly trumped the irbc story.
I’d like to be the first to say, thank you denis alls forgiven
Bout time. Greedy little sob. He shud have stepped down last week when he was going up for re election. Like 4 times president. So not right. Then the Qatar scandal. We Irish can never forget the World Cup qualifier against France when we were totally robbed. This guy literally dismissed us. Wouldn’t here of it.
Id say he is bricking it
Americans doing everything in their power to destroy the world cup on Russia
Sepp the Gob$hite is gone! Hooray!
He really wasn’t a bad person. He was just misunderstood and gullible. He really did try his best to be the worlds richest man. Sorry sep your numbers up. You have been red carded goodbye.
This smells heavily of a deal to save his skin being brokered
About time. Thank god that corrupt p r i c k is gone
What will FIFA do with all the money when it is “tidied up”
Thank fu*k
He wont be missed
Delighted! Never forget the laugh he had about the “33rd team” after we were robbed of a spot. Tool.
(Also really bugs me that FIFA isn’t spelt with capital letters. Does Fbi look ok?)
Must have needed time for “ctrl+alt+delete”?
The YANKS want the world cup stripped from Russia and they will do everything they can to do it…….wait and see guys….
The murder of the passengers of MH17 by Pro-Russian rebels in 2014 is reason enough to boycott the tournament.
Again what proof do have it was Russia ? also do really think Russia are that stupid that they would shoot down a passenger plane ? C’mon grow a brain Old Gordon…..and show the world your conclusive evidence…..remember the people who told you about WMD these are the same people telling us that Russia shot down the plane……proven liars and murderers themselves…when they murdered over a million people in Iraq and Afghanistan on a pack of lies , no sanctions for these murderers though……very sad Gordon
It is laughable that the FBI carry out a huge investigation but cannot even investigate the 2.3 trillion dollars that went missing before the 911 fakery……just in case you will call me a conspiracy theorist ….here is RUMSFELD himself on Sep 10th 2001…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-OOrIZBzAU
Time to get some fresh air and a hug jb.
Who’s Sepp Blatter?
All hail our new leader John Delaney. ……..
Wait , what will be revealed!!!!
Haha yessss… Don’t fock with the FBI!
Excellent news for this p***k
Blatter looked around, seen that he had presided over the biggest ‘tits up’ ever in the history of FIFA…….and realised he never had a clue about what was going on…..which is quite normal when your head is up your own asre.
he must have been threatened with charges as well,nobody cares either way once he’s gone,lets hope the next guy has a bit of integrity though.
The man that normalised fifa corruption, let’s hope things get better as they’ve been getting worse for years
At long last. Hope he gets what I hope is coming to him and it’s not nice!!
F. B. I.
FUCX Blatter in the arse
A pity Delaney wouldn’t step down from the FAI and all
Has he something to hide?
Maybe the fbi told him go now or we have information to incriminate u.
If Sepp Blatter is eventually jailed for these financial irregularities then I say ” Free Sepp Blatter, free Sepp Blatter”
Bye Bye No Loss
And he figured this out when ???
When they want to strip Russia of the World Cup…
Do you think he’ll get his golden handshake in a big brown envelope?
No envelope big enough for the amounts these boys play with
Oh no where are the kleenex. I guess the Russians told him to go or else. They weren’t going to loose the world cup for him and the back handers.
Getting harder to beat the Internet
With all those corrupt little dictatorships in Africa and the Middle East I doubt someone above board will get in next.
A shining example to our politico/white collar criminal classes begone you Sc()m
Sepp Blatter is going to use all of his spare time to concentrate on improving his tennis game.Rumour has it that his forehand is nothing special but his back-handers are bloody amazing
I just spoke to Onepz there. He reckons that Sepp Blatter has done an amazing job at FIFA. A man with an unblemished record forced out of his job by downright lies and outrageous slurs. He can hold his head up high.
I though FIFA and irish politics were very simiar organisation, full of corruption and full of useless sad gits that just screw people out of money, but it seems FIFA are much better. At least blatter had the decency to resign.
The best news for the future of soccer !
In fairness though, he took his time, he moved slowly, and he did not rush.
Thank god lets get rid of all the bad eggs now
Blatter elected on Friday resigns on Tuesday and will stay in charge for another 6 months or more???????????????????????????????? Wtf is going on in FIFA?????????????????
Wank*r has destroy what he claims to love c•¥t
Great to see that tyrant is gone, goodriddance