LESS OF A single exercise and more of a three-in-one back and shoulders routine, frontal, lateral and overhead raises can be performed as a kind of superset, i.e. one after another without a break.
They are a must for anyone wishing to attain the Johnny Bravo look; large, rounded shoulders with that highly sought after triangular shaped back, fanning out from the waist upwards.
Frontal raises
Muscles worked; The anterior and lateral deltoids, which sit on the front and sides of the shoulder.
Starting position; Pick a set of dumbbells you know you’ll be able to lift but not so light you’ll find the first rep as easy as the last. It takes practice to select the right weight — and motivation!
Stand with a straight torso and your knees slightly bent, the dumbbells resting on the tops of your thighs, your knuckles facing out.
Action; While maintaining a strong core and a slight bend in the elbow, lift the dumbbells in unison to the front — the palms of your hands always facing down.
Continue to lift until your arms are slightly above parallel to the floor.
As the video below demonstrates, a slight variation is to turn the dumbbells up as you raise your arms. This is a question of preference.
Exhale as you execute this portion of the movement and pause for a second at the top. Inhale after the second pause and lower the dumbbell back down slowly to the starting position.
Sets/reps; We suggest starting with 10-12 reps for three sets where on the last few reps of each set you should be struggling to raise the weight above parallel.
Lateral raises
Muscles worked; Lateral deltoids, located on the side of the shoulder, as well as the anterior deltoids, traps and a number of muscles that support and stabilise your shoulders such as the serratus anterior and supraspinatus.
Starting position; Stay standing with your feet shoulder width apart and a slight bend in the knees. Maintain a strong core and resist the temptation to crunch or arch your back.
Grab a dumbbell in each hand, rest by your sides, your palms facing down and keep a slight bend in your elbows.
Action; Now raise your arms until your elbows are parallel to the floor, keeping your wrists and shoulders strong. SLOWLY lower the dumbbells back to the starting position. This is as important as the lift itself.
Sets/reps; Again we’re going for the 10-12 rep range and three sets.
Overhead raises
Muscles worked; Anterior, lateral and posterior deltoids.
Starting position; Stand upright with a dumbbell in each hand, your knees slightly bent and shoulder width apart. Grip the weights with your palms facing out and ‘sit’ them just on top of your shoulders — but not resting on your shoulders. There will be a 90 degree bend in your elbows.
Action; While exhaling, lift the weights up until they’re directly over your head. Make sure to keep your elbows slightly bent when performing each repetition.
Hold at the top of the range of motion before slowly lowering back down to the starting position as you inhale.
Sets/reps; Try for 10-12 reps and three sets — a break of 90 seconds to two minutes after this trio of exercises is advised.
I genuinely thought this article was going to be about hair.. Gutted!
Nobody can have hair like me baby !
You’ll be waiting along time for that look with just shoulder exercises, you need to work arms, chest and back to get the ‘V’ shape look