IT’S GUY FAWKES night in England tomorrow, Bonfire Night!
For most people, that means a few bangers, sparklers and maybe a trip to see a pallet thrown on a bonfire down the road. In Edenbridge, Kent, they take it upon themselves to burn a celebrity ‘Guy’ every year.
This year, the lucky winner of the vote was…
78-year-old Sepp Blatter.
The outgoing Fifa president is currently banned from all football activities, but there seems to be no problem with him overseeing this particular village green. Or maybe they are the linings of a rugby pitch we can see to his right?
The 36-foot Sepp will be set ablaze tomorrow night having comfortably seen off competition for the job from David Cameron, Vladimir Putin, Jeremy Clarkson and Zayn Malik.
Sepp has an excellent track record in committee votes of this sort so his victory was of no surprise to anyone who spotted his name on the ballot sheet.
Shame it’s only an effigy. If the real Sepp was on top of the bonfire he would get to experience Qatari temperatures for himself……
What’s with your man holding a giant sized paint brush up the ladder?!
He looks more like Michael D Higgins in the photo !!
Good point !
A 36ft Michael D would be a worthy Paul O Connell replacement
I thought it was Michael D as well. What is Sepp doing with a Rugby ball?
I know I’m being a pedantic Pete, but that burning of guy fawkes craic is sectarian in the extreme, they used to burn effigies of the pope as well, I’m no Catholic extremist but surely it’s offensive to Catholics across Britain
Haha that’s brilliant
Clearly fifa has corrupt practices ingrained in its structure just like the fai and many other closed shop associations, but you didn’t hear the English mad complaining about blatter until their world cup bid was out bribed by the sheiks, suddenly the condemnation has been constant and shouted on high from the roof tops
In reality the only thing burning is money in Sepps pocket By pocket I mean Cayman islands account
I don’t care if it looks like Mickey D or a rugby ball. I think it’s a great idea with a cool message. I look forward to seeing it burn on YouTube
Bonfire night looks great in UK!! So are there bonfires on Halloween night too??
A ford 6600 I think.