TIGER WOODS HAD five drugs, including the opioid painkiller hydrocodone, in his system when he was arrested in May on suspicion of driving under the influence, according to a toxicology report released yesterday.
A urine test revealed four other medications along with hydrocodone — which is sold under the brand name Vicodin.
Also present were the powerful painkiller hydromorphone; anxiety drug alprazolam (also known as Xanax); sleep drug zolpidem (also known as Ambien) and THC, which is a chemical component of marijuana.
The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office made the results public on Monday.
“As I previously said, I received professional help to manage my medications,” Woods said Monday. “Recently, I had been trying on my own to treat my back pain and a sleep disorder, including insomnia, but I realize now it was a mistake to do this without medical assistance.
“I am continuing to work with my doctors, and they feel I’ve made significant progress. I remain grateful for the amazing support that I continue to receive and for the family and friends that are assisting me.”
The 41-year-old Woods was arrested early in the morning 29 May in Jupiter, Florida. Police found him asleep in his Mercedes-Benz by the side of the road near his home.
He later said in a statement that his condition was the result of a reaction to mixing several prescription drugs.
It was not immediately known if Woods had prescriptions for all of the medications.
Woods pleaded guilty to reckless driving and agreed to enter a diversion program that will allow the 14-time major championship winning golfer to clear his record if he completes the program.
In June, he completed a treatment program to help him manage medications he was using to combat back pain and insomnia.
At the time of his arrest Woods was unable to tell officers where he was, stumbling through a field sobriety test. Woods told officers he was taking Vicodin and Xanax to deal with pain from April back surgery.
The diversion program would call for Woods to spend one year on probation, pay a $250 fine plus court costs, attend a DUI course, perform 50 hours of community service and attend a workshop where victims of impaired drivers detail how their lives were damaged or affected.
Woods has 79 career PGA Tour victories but isn’t currently playing after his latest back surgery — his fourth overall.
He won 14 Majors, but the last one was in 2008 when he won the US Open at Torrey Pines by outlasting Rocco Mediate in a memorable 19-hole playoff.
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I’m impressed he was awake
@Dave O Keeffe: me too. Amazing fete to operate a car zonked out of it
@john culhane: to be fair, he didn’t do great with the car
@Dave O Keeffe: that is true
Very sad downfall of a great sportsman
@Deirdre D’Arcy Murphy: he’s human and far from perfect should be afforded some privacy!
@Paddy: I’m not the author of this ! Duh
@Deirdre D’Arcy Murphy: You’re the author of your own ditzy posts though.
I wouldn’t wish that pain on anyone, he’s obviously not taking all that meds for the fun of it. He’s back must be in bits.
@Mairtin Antaine O Conaill: drug addict I’m afraid
@Deirdre D’Arcy Murphy: Quite the leap there Deirdre or have you access to something even the media don’t?
@Deirdre D’Arcy Murphy: Really pushing that point aren’t you Deirdre. With that faux sympathy of ‘I’m afraid’ thrown in.
@Jimmy Ireland: It is similar to a mix taken by a prescription drug addict. Zolpidene and xanax are *not* a combo that would be prescribed normally, as they increase each other’s sedative effect.
@Deirdre D’Arcy Murphy: id doubt it Deirdre. The man has serious back problems. All this meds are prescribed.
@Mairtin Antaine O Conaill:
You can’t be addicted to prescription drugs? Interesting…
@Mairtin Antaine O Conaill: so funny.
@Jimmy Ireland. And ? Your point ?
@Mairtin Antaine O Conaill: if he had medical assistance they would have definitely used the medical phrase “story? your back is in bits!”
@Mairtin Antaine O Conaill: Wasn’t all of Michael Jackinsons meds prescribed as well?
Playing professional sports for years will need to injury and you can get hooked on those meds very quickly but saying it prescribed doesn’t mean he’s not an addict.
@Deirdre D’Arcy Murphy: hope you never come across the need to take strong medication? You probably won’t as you are such a wonderful beautiful perfect lady ✊
@B9xiRspG: never said you can’t be addicted to prescribed meds. But honestly How would any of you know he’s addicted to meds? It’s a big assumption to make.
@Punker: Thank you so much for your compliments
@Deirdre D’Arcy Murphy: welcome, keep not taking the Drugs, eeeeeexcept the pill of course, could not imagine your kids
@B9xiRspG: who is Michael Jackinson, Jim?
The guy did the right thing and pulled over because he wasn’t feeling right. He has a career threatening injury so that’s why he had so drugs in his system.
@prop joe: je also knew what he had taken so did the wrong thing by getting in the car in the first place
@prop joe: Ha, Jesus! He had 2 flat tyres and a damaged bumper. He did a Jordan Belfort before he pulled over.
@prop joe: Yeah,right.That’s what they all say.
Does anyone care?
@Liam flag: guess me and you do as we clicked on the article
@Irishoversea: I didn’t click on it. I was brushing a fallen cornflake off my screen and it popped open.
@Liam flag: that’s a strange eating dynamic you’ve got going on there. Why are the cornflakes further away from you than your phone?
@Liam flag: late breakfast ?
@Liam flag: you’re only having breakfast now??? I’m telling Leo.
Kellogs Cornflakes are a delicious and healthy snack which can be enjoyed at any time of the day.
Sometimes ,even with all the money in the world ,things are not that simple.
I was out watching the Perseid meteor shower with my youngest last weekend. “Daddy, how do stars die?” He asked. ‘Usually by drug overdose”, I replied.
He was sleeping in his car, parked on the side of the road. Still he was arrested. The cops over there arrest you for any reasons, even sleeping in your car is not allowed. He should be grateful that he didn’t get shot.
It doesnt matter who he is its sad for anyone to be in this situation. He obviously has serious mental health issues along with addiction emotional pain can be more damaging than physical pain. I hope he gets the help or asks for the help he needs otherwise its worse this will get. And the ending will not be good.
Tiger has problems and does drugs like 90% of the rest of the population weather its prescription or not!! We all face our demons and deal with them in our own self conscious ways! To judge him regardless of how much money he has is weak!!
@Anthony Ward: 90% of the population does drugs?
Id say including prescription drugs, illegal drugs & alcohol, 90% of the population using some sort of drug to make them feel better is a fair assessment
I’m impressed he could start the car
@mairead ni chleirigh. Are you a good rider yourself ?
If an elephant could clap…
I’ll high five him next time we catch up
The best golfer
Just, leave Tiger alone..sic
Well he was never likely to be a balanced adult was he. Wasn’t his father an interrogator? He had wee tiger brainwashed before he could talk. And then was using prisoner-of-war schtyle techniques to mess with young tiger’s ceann!
He just another celebrity going around smashed off his head on perscription drugs #junkie
He should have stuck to riding
@Mairead Ni Chleirigh: didn’t know he was good on the horses as well!
This cannot be good for your swing
Always sorry when’s he caught out. He’d still be banging birds behind his wife’s back had he not been nabbed. He’s still be shovelling pills down his gullet had he not Been nabbed. Not one bit of sympathy for the clown