RONDA ROUSEY HAS given an emotional interview describing how she felt in the minutes after her UFC bantamweight title defeat to Holly Holm.
As arguably the biggest name in MMA, the 29-year-old took a 12-fight unbeaten professional record into UFC 193′s main event back in November, but was dethroned in devastating fashion by a second round knockout.
Speaking candidly on The Ellen Show, Rousey revealed that she momentarily considered taking her own life in the immediate aftermath before spotting boyfriend Travis Browne.
“I was in the medical room, I was down in the corner, I was sitting in the corner and I was like ‘what am I anymore if I’m not this?’” she said, with tears running down her face.
“And I was literally sitting there and thinking about killing myself in that exact second, I’m nothing.
“Like what do I do anymore? And no one gives a shit about me anymore without this.”
“I looked up and I saw my man Travis was standing there and I was just like I need to have his babies, I need to stay alive!
I was meant to have him when I was at my lowest for sure, I don’t think I would’ve made it without him.”
While Holm meets Miesha Tate on the same night that Conor McGregor and Rafael dos Anjos face off for the lightweight belt on 5 March, Rousey says she refuses to be beaten and is calling for a rematch.
“Everyone has their moment of picking themselves off the floor and I had gone through several of mine but no one had actually seen me go through it and maybe I just had to be that example for everyone,” she added.
“I really do believe that I’m still undefeated because being defeated is a choice. Everybody has losses in their live but I choose to always be undefeated.”
Watch the interview below:
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The UFC should definitely get her some help before she goes in to the ring again. There’s a serious emotional issue going on there
How the f**k dose she think her opponent’s feel when there defeated, there is nobody in the world but me me me… FFs get a life.
She is in the fight game suck it up or give it up
She went in all talk and couldn’t back it up and got beaten as bad as you could
Then cries looking a refight lol
Put in your work and work your way into a title shot and quit your bitching
just another washed up prize fighter
Bit harsh lads
The remarks in here show how far we have to go when it comes to mental health. Ridiculing and insulting people who considered suicide is a decidedly callous thing to do.
i agree
She’s choosing to stay undeated. Pure arrogance. I saw that fight, she was definitely deafed.
The point they’re making is she’s feeling exactly how she made her defeated opponents feel. And holm was nothing but full of praise for her whereas she was female McGregor pre and post fight.
Women and contact sports dont mix.. Katie taylor is the exception. No place in the ring for lovely girls.
Nice interview blokes.
Who are these 2 guys?
A rematch will leave her no where to run and curl up in denial…..ultimately!
How come no one is interviewing Holly Holm its like she doesnt exist
Its all about Ronda whining about getting her bell rung
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She needs professional help! That’s not normal behaviour in defeat!!
Considered taking her own life because of one professional defeat? What a crock of shit!
Highs and lows. Winning and losing. Sounds almost like bi-polar.
One of the reason many are successful, especially in contact sports, is because they are invariably angry young men and it drives them. Channelling that is very positive. Take Roy Keane too,… was the same. Or in usic, Bob Dylan was an angry young man in his youth too. It defined him in many ways.
Anger is important and if channelled healthily and expressed in certain forms can lead to amazing results.
But when you lose, you’re in trouble as you don;t have the anger to fall back on so much.
Get a grip ye silly doe
Ego maniac.
That’s life. You don’t always have to win and won’t always win.
A harsh lesson about professional sport and life in general – too many hangers on when the going is good but drop you like hot shyte when the good times end. Your real friends will stick by you though.
I’ll always love you Ronda xxx
I need to have his babies? Like WTF? This woman needs her head read?
The dark side of prize fighting. They’re treated like grey hounds. There’s more support for amateur fighters, psychologists etc.
Thing is some of these guys including Ronda believed all the hype. She was never as good as they said she was, they get lost in the fire works.
Poor me syndrome
LMAO at all you nerds who have never achieved anything in your life telling a super star to get on with it. Hahaha you guys are priceless
Laughin your ass off at us nerds?, is that a kayak in your prof pic?. The preferred mode of transport of the nerd?. You must be paddling it somewhere inside your glasshouse.
What a tw@t.
Get over urself and get on with it..
The poor millionaire. Booofu*king hoo
Absolutely delighted. What a pathetic role model. Glad she was found out.
Her father commit suicide , she’d want to be careful and get some help.
Jesus that interview escalated very quickly.
I never gave a shit about her when she was winning, she was the most unsporting person always refusing to touch gloves with her opponent before fight, iwas glad Holly Holme beat her
No class – sore loser to the max
Ellen would wrestler her
She’d rightly scissor her timbers for a stinky arm-bar!!
Ahh the poor girl is distraught, she bought into the hype the media created around her. (it feeds the ego, if you let it) which it clearly did from this interview. The media will build you up just to knock you down. I can see the exact same thing happening to other MMA fighters. (probably, even a very successfully one closer to home)
Publicly stunt.
Bang on David, I see a staged publicity stunt here with a nice bit of acting by Ronda, i mean its so clear she could barely hide her delight towards the end. Using the suicide card now to try and win sympathy and support, when she’s been a horrible wench throughout her career. Shameless piece of work this woman.
This woman really battered her boyfriend and the feminists never said a word;
Staggering that this did not get more coverage when she called out Mayweather for the same thing
Depression and suicide are no joke. Ronda may be feeling low about the loss to holly in Melbourne. However, in this day and age, the quest for some celebs to maintain their fame at any cost Rondas admission will always be doubted. Sad really.
Why can they say shit in the headline and we can’t say it in the comments.
Yeah it’s some crock of shit
Yay!!! We can now say shit. Words like that used to be banned.
Her whole life was dedicated to winning. That was taken away from her and she felt down. It’s very understandable actually, and doesn’t warrant the harshness. Most of us cannot even comprehend the mentality these people have
Really steve? Her whole was dedicated to winning? She started judo training when she was 11. You never hear crap like this from other sports people when they lose. Anyway I’m sure ronda is well capable of defending herself, but if she needs your help I’m sure she’ll call you.
Seriously what publish articles about this loser anymore? Nobody cares about her anymore, she even said it herself.
She’s right about one thing nobody does give a shot about her, ungrateful bitch
I will always love you Ronda !
No wonder it’s difficult in this world to reach out for help or say when you’ve had thoughts of suicide when this is the reaction received at times (from some comments). Regardless of personality, ego, profession, wealth, gender, performance or media profile…suicidal thoughts are an awful place to be regardless of who you are. Empathy yeah? Don’t like someone for their personality but don’t attack them for their honestly in relation to mental health. Everyone has their dark moments no matter how much you think they shouldn’t/couldn’t because of who they are. When you publicly ridicule a well known person on the topic of suicide in comments there’s also many people reading through the comments who are receiving a dangerous message that their feelings of suicide could be laughed away.
John I agree. She does not come across as a particularly likeable person hence the response on the posts I feel. A lot of self pity going on, a lack of empathy for the people she disparaged on the way up the ladder and apparent confusion between her success in life and her own identity (but she’s hardly unusual in that). In other words she is probably like a lot of us! Not a reason to hate her or disparage her. Many people feel suicidal for reasons which would not necessarily resonate with others. But criticism doesn’t change how they feel. Better to try to understand and support the person. Doesn’t mean you have to “agree” with their take on matters. Hopefully she’ll grow up at some stage and develop a bit more perspective. The public eye is a bad place to be when you fall off the pedestal.
I’d say Jose Aldo’s feeling a bit similar right now.
My god absolutely ridiculous, she looses and thinks about taking her life, bit much if you ask me, usually defeats make you and should make you come back stronger, especially in the fight game!
Thats because she missing millions from endorsements, after the way she was destroyed by Holme
Once someone mentions suicide these days, it guarantees the column inches. An interview with Ellen is surely designed for nothing else?
Can forget about her fighting again anytime soon, she’s lost condition and clearly is not in any right shape upstairs to fight.
Poor girl she’s the real loser if she thinks it’s her right to win every fight,What a sick mentality so grow up.
Women shouldn’t be involved in that ugly sport anyway.
What a pathetic woman . At the end of the day she was beaten up by a washed out boxer. Over hyped by the media for the big bucks TV deals
That’s what makes winners different from your average person they take the loses harder. Loosing just isnt in there mind. That’s what sets olympic Gold medalists(which she is by the way) apart from everyone else.
Substitute Bronze for Gold there. Still pretty impresive for a Caucasian woman though.
Just goes to show her persona is not an act. She is emotionally stunted.