KERRY HURLING MANAGER John Meyler has excluded three brothers from his senior panel for reportedly playing a game of soccer last week.
Kerry’s Eye today report that Liam, Mikey and Padraig Boyle will play no further part in the 2012 season after talks with Meyler.
The Wexford native is said to have taken the decision after he learned the Ballyduff trio played a game of football on a Thursday night; the county panel train on Wednesdays and Fridays.
When contacted this afternoon, one Kingdom spokesperson insisted that the county board would not be getting involved in the situation.
“That’s an issue for the manager — what he does is up to him and we’ll be making no comment on it whatsoever,” the official said.
Meyler explained the decision was made due to a perceived lack of commitment.
“I informed the players involved earlier this week and thanked them for their time with the panel. I can no longer select players who are not 100% committed to the Kerry hurling panel,” he told the newspaper.
The manager is the father of Sunderland and Ireland midfielder, David Meyler, incidentally. The Kingdom are currently win-less after two games in Division 2A.
Probably did them a favour!! Playing hurling for Kerry is almost as bad as playing football for Kilkenny.
Kerry won the Christy Ring Cup last year. Hurling in Kerry is played to a much higher standard than football in Kilkenny. It is a hugely popular sport in North Kerry.
You can’t possibly compare hurling in Kerry to football in Kilkenny.They’re pretty decent when compared to around half the counties in the country
Yeah Kerry hurling is alot stronger than football in Kilkenny. Ballyduff of Kerry got to the Munster Intermediate Club Hurling Final for 2011 beating the Cork and Clare Champions along the way – they were beaten in the final by Effin of Limerick but only after a titanic battle – so just take care with comments regarding Kerry hurling…
I did say ‘almost’ so as not to cause offence!!
? anyone who lines out for any county team should be applauded
Anachronistic attitudes. Grow up.
Big words my friend. :)
Damn hit reply too soon. The Kerry hurling team are one of the better ones. I worked with a lad from the team a few years back and started paying attention to their league results (I’m a Cork man) and they are no joke.
If Johnny Sexton lined out with his local hurling team on the Thursday before a weekend match. I can guarantee that Declan Kidney would tell him where to go.
When you are playing at county level or similar levels in different disciplines, you either commit fully or you do not. If you cannot, then that is fine, est of luck let people who will on to the team.
You can give your best on Sunday, after playing a game on Thursday and training Wed. and Thursday.
Were they absent from training? Surely The Kingdom should be happy to have anyone willing to be on the Hurling panel and to grow!!
John Meyler is the father of David Meyler who plays for Sunderland. I doubt this was an anti-soccer decision.
Prehistoric decision. Three lads played the most played sport in the world. Shock horror.
It’s a misleading headline. It doesn’t matter if they were out playing soccer or badminton or cricket. Whatever, the bottom line is they weren’t fully committed to training the following day.
The truth is in all likelihood if they had been out playing cricket or badminton no action would have been taken. As a keen sportsman I understand the commitment to training, the team etc. but the fact remains that the GAA is a amateur organisation who dont pay players and with decisions like this, it will forever be a amatuer group.
Shoe on the other foot…footballer/rugbt player dropped for playing GAA…and all the supporters of this decision would be up in arms screaming discrimination.
Eric. That is a difference between the way you look at sport and the way most sports people would. Any amateur worth its salt trains and is dedicated to a very high level. The “shure we’re not paid, why bother” attitude you exhibit is frankly disgraceful and smacks of laziness.
Em I cant see at any point where I attacked amatuer sports in itself or the people who play it or their commitment to it…so whoever you are mr or mrs Progress who are talking utter nonsense.
Lets get the record straight here…these players trained as per required on Wednesday and Friday. They played a game of football on Thursday. They did not miss any training sessions it appears. Regardless of what way you look at it…playing football for these guys was just a different way to keep up continuous exercise and fitness on a night of no training. They could have been in the gym hard at it for 2 hours and no one would have said boo…but what is the difference. The nature of exercise chosen by an individual? And if these lads have been punished for choosing what exercise they do in their free time then that is pathetic. You talk of laziness? Would you prefere these lads sat at home on thursday nights and scratched their arse on the couch to show their fully committed to the county team?
You have accused me of having a disgraceful attitude. Well I think its pathetic to come on here and post with a faceless bogus profile.
You have to understand that an awareness of the greatness of hurling creates contempt for a game such as soccer.
I can tell you that in Kilkenny some children’s first words are ‘fuck the soccer’.
I would love to know what houses you heard that, I live in kilkenny my 2 uncles played on the minor and senior teams, never once growning up in a hurling family did I ever hear “feck the soccer” nor have I heard it in any house i’ve been in growing up.
Is that good?
@briewee, one household has a bucketful of all-Ireland medals…
What kids, pikie kids!?? Absolute bullshit mate stop making shit up…
a bit over the top?? can only imagine what would happen if they had been out on the lash…
Playing and training senior hurling is intense, really depends whether this is for ridiculous old fashioned reasonable or if it’s because it compromises training.
Wouldn’t be surprised if it was the former, we used be kicked off our local gaa pitch for playing soccer.
If I were any of those three brothers, I know where i’d be telling Meyler and Kerry to stick their hurley’s and sliotars! Right up their Macgillacuddy’s Reeks!
Your either in or you are out, if you don’t show the commitment then you can’t expect to receive commitment back, they’ll just get players that are willing to get on with it and commit 100%.
Bollocks, playing hurling for Kerry they’ll get a couple of decent games and end up knocked out before the summer.
f in foreign sports he said
Ah ! its the damned Anti GAA media at it again …..
As a kerryman I believe the whole hurling team should be banned for not playing Gaelic football……
funny stuff!
a bit over the top?? it’s not like they were out on the lash and missed training
Tells you all you need to know about the bigotted insecure bogballers.. In fairness I’d say he did them a favour!
It seems that your parents did a bad job with you Joey.
How do you figure that out pwogwess? Have I hit a nerve? Does the truth hurt?
Kerry GAA must be one backward hillbilly organisation to punish sportsmen.
Its just an anti-soccer thing. Kerry GAA in huge trouble and a scapegoat or 2 required or 3 better again.Bet their county team mates are a bit cross over this.
These lads will look back on this as a blessing. Their club wont treat them any differently and it might just be a nice boost to them.Wouldnt an All Ireland with the club be grand now.
Will be watching for Ballyduff this year for sure.
Is it 2012 or 1912? *checks calendar* *scratches head*
If after the soccer match they were still amongst the top 30 hurlers in the county, surely dropping them from the panel hurts the team as a whole ? That’s 10% of your panel gone for what? Extra curricular training ?
FFS – these guys need to have a sport to play during the summer because their hurling season will be long over by then
and what local soccer leagues play during the summer?
Sure they weren’t put up to it by Kerry’s main hurling rivals?