THE CATCH, THE turn and the finish. We could watch this all day.
Limerick real scare but valiant effort not enough to pull off shock
Cork and Kerry finish level after five-goal Munster football final thriller
THE CATCH, THE turn and the finish. We could watch this all day.
Youd hate to see what 50% support looks like so.
Lads, can we get a few more articles about Gareth Bale please!
That club sounds like one toxic place to work…
@Richard Prendiville: Well for 1/2 a million a week I think if thats a toxic workplace Id manage.
@Sean Buckley: some people actually want to enjoy work rather than just be in it for the money. I get that you’re not one of them but money can’t buy you happiness.
@Dave O Keeffe:
Agreed. Hating work is far too draining for a life as short as ours.
@Dave O Keeffe: very true but surely you’d manage a few weeks work there and then head off to a happy work place on min wage
@Dan2078: except there’s a thing called contract law that would prevent any of us in his situation from doing that. Let’s not forget it was Madrid that pulled the plug on his departure.
Player power wins the day again.
Madrid desperate to get rid of them and their wages but they stick their heels in and keep collecting the dosh and making ZZ rage.
Good on them I say, keep going
@Mark Smith: how did player power win? Real refused to sell.
@Dave O Keeffe: sell to who ??? No one wants to pay his wages and pay a transfer fee … Real shouldn’t have offered him a new contract they clearly had zero intention of respecting just to try get a fee.