
# dean merton

All time
'It turns out training hard in the gym gets results, not magic movements'
'Exercises have no gender, kinda....' - A closer look at gender neutral training
Buddy Up! Reach your fitness goals with a little help from your friends
Micro, meso, macro! A guide to setting fitness goals and actually hitting them
Chill, get active, learn: Your guide to slaying the Beast from the East
Finish strong! Three ways to end your session on a high
Do less more often! Three useful fitness hacks (that aren't hacks at all)
'Tis the season! Useful strategies to make sure you get a workout in even when tight for time
Deadlifts are dangerous? No, being weak is dangerous!
Progress doesn't need to be complicated and more thoughts from the bomb shelter
5 workout hacks that may just surprise you
HIIT or miss! Does your cardio routine need a revamp?
How often should you work out? Making sure you don't train too little, or too much, for your fitness goals
Put your best foot forward! A simple guide to the complex world of unilateral exercises
Move better for longer! Avoiding wear and tear is simple, and here's how
A great workout starts with a great warm up! But don't just warm up, RAMP up
All in your head! 3 questions to ask yourself before setting foot in the gym
From not working hard enough to lack of honesty: 5 reasons you might not be seeing results
Sleep while you're alive! Lack of it negatively affects our bodies and there's one simple solution