RHASIDAT ADELEKE ONCE again underlined her prodigious talent by sealing a superb sprint double for Ireland at the European Youth Olympics in Baku this evening.
The 16-year-old produced another emphatic performance to claim 200 metres gold at the Tofig Bahramov Stadium, adding to her 100 metres title she won on Tuesday.
Adeleke finished ahead of Hungary in second and France’s Serena Kouassi in a time of 23.92.
“I’m just happy. It was kind of a late decision to do both events but to come away with the two golds is just so unexpected. I’m so happy,” she said.
“The Irish support is amazing, the crowd were so loud. It just makes you want to do really well.”
Last year, the Tallaght AC starlet won 4x100m relay silver for Ireland at the 2018 IAAF World U20 Championships in Tampere, Finland, alongside Molly Scott, Gina Akpe-Moses, Ciara Neville and Patience Jumbo-Gala.
Adeleke also won gold in the 200m at the 2018 European Athletics U18 Championships in Gyor, Hungary.
— Team Ireland (@TeamIreland) July 25, 2019
Rhasidat Adeleke wins her second gold in Girl’s 200m at #EYOF2019 #TeamIreland pic.twitter.com/n2fTTppHNC
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Is he the best allrounder we have.
I’d say he’d be really good at 9 v a big pack, he’s got great vision to spot a fattie panting a little and skinning him.
If he was made of chocolate he’d eat himself!!!
If I was made of chocolate I’d eat myself too or maybe just throw myself to the lesbians
He’s always seemed like a fairly decent guy, he has confidence and backs himself but isn’t arrogant or cocky. One of our best natural athletes.
You’d end up in Matt O Connors comfort food stash Chris
Chris-seems like we have the same t-shirt.
I’m in happy World Cup mode please don’t mention Matt o Connor
If he was made of chocolate he’d have to fend off Karl Lagerfeld to eat himself first! https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s–uUAcleYW–/c_fill,fl_progressive,g_north,h_358,q_80,w_636/18k1xj5hudx7jjpg.jpg
title is incorrect